Unbelievable cats


Cats are next to the dog’s favorite pet people since ancient times, Egyptian pharaohs had them as pets and also in Egypt, cats were considered gods .. and many people prefer dogs to cats because of lack of fidelity, but there are many cases that confirm the opposite, a story about how often a cat rescue people from a variety of troubles, and how true owner after the end of owner life, is scientifically proven that cats can relieve people of stress, which is especially good in this life full of stress and forth to work and many other jobs.

As confirmation of this whole story is to play two small kitten that is of inestimable value for the release of emotional stress. The world is more than 2000 species of cats, of which only about 10% of a particular race, the rest is water under the domestic or wild cats. Cats are generally known for their speed and agility very good care and look after their young, are very territorial and if does not seem like that. Cats from an early age are taught hunting through the game.

Cats are known as very good hunters,they got very high jump and they are capable to get even a bird when start flying… Favorite cat food are mouses,smaller rats,rarely smaller birds…Cheetah is a fastest land animal,he can run over 100km/h..

Cats have excellent night vision and can function at only one-sixth the light level required for human vision.
Cats have excellent hearing and can detect an extremely broad range of frequencies. They can hear higher-pitched sounds than either dogs or humans. In captivity, an average life expectancy for male indoor cats at birth is 12 to 14 years, with females usually living a year or two longer. However, there have been records of cats reaching into their 20s and 30s, with the oldest known cat, Creme Puff, dying at a verified age of 38.

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