Top 10 Best Kind Of Pet Parrots


Parrots were represented for a long time favorite pet people. All of the Middle Ages and the famous captains of ships up to the present day in cages and in the free home version. Parrot is a common choice for a pet because they belong to the brightest line between pets and birds for long life. Some species of parrots can survive man. Especially because of his talent and that is an imitation of human speech and words.Here is a list of 10 parrots ideal pet.

1. African Grey Parrot:

This is said to be the most intelligent of all the parrot types. A large gray parrot with a red tail, some of these bird have vocabularies approaching 1,000 words or more.

2. Amazons Parrots:

This popular parrot type includes about 27 sub-types. Most are large, affectionate, and predominantly green.

3. Budgies Parrots:

Officially known as a parakeet or budgerigar, this parrot type is small and colorful. It is one of the most popular parrot pets.

4. Conures Parrots:

This parrot type seems to be a group of large parakeets. With long tails and strong beaks, these “clowns” come in a variety of colors.

5. Eclectus Parrots:

Eclectus Parrots are unusual in their coloring. On the one hand, males are bright green, with beaks like bright candy corn, tails and wings of blue or red. Females, on the other hand, have red heads, blue breasts, and the same red or blue wings and tails. In place of the candy corn look, they have black beaks.

6. Lovebirds Parrots:

Lovebirds are a small, stocky parrot type – among the smallest in the world. Many are green, sometimes with red faces or eye rings.

7. Macaws Parrots:

Native to South America, this is the largest parrot type in wingspan and length. The blue and gold macaw is especially beautiful.

8. Parrotlets Parrots:

These may look like parakeets at first glance, but this small parrot type has a broader body and tail than the parakeet.

9. Pionus Parrots:

There are many parrot types under the name Pionus parrot, and this larger, quieter parrot comes in many varieties of color.

10. Quakers Parrots:

This parrot type is often called a Monk Parrot or Grey-breasted Parakeet. It is a name that comes from facial feathering that resembles an old-fashioned Quaker costume.

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