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Funny And Cute Pandas

They are cute, they are funny but they aren’t a lot today on Earth. So, let’s take the most of them while they are still here. The panda is a conservation reliant endangered species. A 2007 report shows 239 pandas living in captivity inside China and another 27 outside the country.

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Great Hunters Of The Animal Kingdom … Leopard

The leopard, is a member of the Felidae family and the smallest of the four "big cats" in the genus Panthera, the other three being the tiger, lion and jaguar. Once distributed across eastern and southern Asia and Africa, from Siberia to South Africa, the leopard's range of distribution has decreased radically because of hunting and loss of habitat.

Caribbean Flying Fish

These fish saying the name. They are the owners of the magnificent "wings"- large pectoral fins, through which they can "soar above the ocean spaces. The speed of such a flight can reach 60 km / h. Flying fish are found in warm water with a temperature above 20 C.