A pet and its owner have a loving relationship. To bond with the pet, you wish to understand the pet better. Understanding a pet without a language is difficult. Every pet has its own sound language through which they communicate. Now how can a human decode that language and understand what their dear pet needs? Understanding these pet sounds will help you understand your pet better.
Like all pets guinea pig has its own vocalization to communicate its fears, excitement, happiness, distress or pain. What could be better than understanding their sounds? If you are able to understand your guinea pig, you could keep him happy. Understanding the guinea pig sounds could be learned with time as you stay along. But, wouldn’t it be better to know them earlier? Here, you will learn what each sound your guinea pig makes means.
Guinea Pig Sounds
To communicate and express with others in the species, a guinea pig makes different sounds. You will probably recognize these vocalizations if you have guinea pig with you for quiet some time. Different sounds at different pitches mean different things. You can relate to each expression with the sound. Sometimes it is also accompanies by actions. It is more like how we understand a human behaviour, we understand a guinea pig behaviour. You have to notice and track the sounds and actions.

Know the happy sounds of your guinea pig-
Some sounds are different from the others. You can understand when a guinea pig is happy by knowing these happy guinea pig sounds. Each happy sound has a meaning of what your pet is doing or it explains his feelings.
- Wheek- ‘wheek’ is a whistle like sound. The sound is just like the word sound of “wheek”. A guinea pig expresses excitement or anticipation through wheeking. It is particularly associated with the pet’s feed. For example, your guinea pig will be wheeking when you are around, or he is going to get his feed. Sometimes, guinea pig whistles even when they are running with others or are lost and need help to find their way. You will be amazed to see how your guinea pig is wheeking when you open the refrigerator or open the pack of his favorite treat.
- Purr – A purring noise is a guinea pig sound that is like that of a cat’s purring. While a cat’s purr may go up and down in pitch, a guinea pig’s purr low, consistent and rumbling sound. They make these sounds when they are happy and content with what is going on. like, if you are petting your cute pet, and he is enjoying it. your pet might also use this bubbling sound while getting groomed or exploring a new place. Differentiate the consistent purr from long or short purr because if they are not consistent they might not be happy sounds.
- Chut– it’s a happy sound a guinea pig makes, specifically while exploring new things or place. if you are planning to leave your guinea pig to the lawn for a bit, you will probably hear him chutting around. When you get him a new toy, he will chut. Also, your guinea pig may chut in a pursuit situation, as a pursuer or the pursuee.
- Rumbling- a rumble may sound like a purr. But, it is usually louder. A guinea pig sound which is a louder purr is only made by males. This sound is made by the male guinea pig while courting the females. The male usually circles and sways around the female. This behaviour is also called as rumble strutting or motor boating.
Know the unhappy guinea pig sounds-
The unhappy guinea pigs sounds are different. It is better to understand them, because sometimes it is an alarming sound where immediate action needs to be taken. At other times, it is emotions and requirements.
- Squeal– Guinea pig squealing is a shrieking sound. It means your pet is in pain or in fright. You must check on your pet if you hear this loud squeal. If the guinea pig is hurt, or in pain he might squeal. If the guinea pig is scared from other animals, or seems to be in possible danger, he might make this shrieking noise.
- Chirp– Guinea pigs do not make this sound often. This chirping is similar to the chirping of a bird. In case something startles your guinea pig, he might start chirping. Sometimes your naughty guinea pig might also chirp for getting attention from you. Yet, fewer times, this chirping is associated with a trans-like state of guinea pig. But this sound does not last for long.
- Chutter- a chuttering sound means you should be cautious. A guinea pig makes this sound when he is slightly unhappy. This can be because of another guinea pig around or there might be another reason. But, when they make this noise they don’t want any botheration. Sometimes, this chutter is followed by whining.
- Drrr– a short purr is known as durr. Though purring signifies happiness, a sound like drr is more like a growl. This growling is not like a dog’s or cat’s growl, but it is a sound that indicates your pet feels threatened. Pet your guinea pig and comfort him, to relax him. If your guinea pig started this sound while petting, it simply means he wants you to stop petting.
- Loud purr at the end– it is a purr sound that goes high pitch towards the end. Your guinea pig only wants to tell you to stop doing whatever you were doing with him. In case you were petting him, he is asking you to stop petting.
- Hissing– hissing is a squeak accompanied by chattering teeth. This sound means that the guinea pig is angry and it acts as a warning sign. Guinea pigs usually raise their head when making this noise. This can happen when you are taking away your pets favorite toy or you are putting him back in his cage after a lawn trip. Sometimes your guinea pig might also show his teeth while making this sound warning you to stay away.
Know your Guinea Pig’s behavioral patterns
Guinea pig sounds are not enough to understand him. Sometimes certain behavior patterns are accompanied by sounds to understand the guinea pig.
- Popcorning- This is much like popcorn popping up and down. When happy and excited, your guinea pig might hop up-down like popping popcorn. They also make little leaps in the air. The younger guinea pigs bounce higher than the older ones. They might be excited on seeing a treat or favourite toy.
- Freezing– your guinea pig might freeze himself on a warning or alarm sound from other guinea pig. Freezing means nothing but standing still without any motion. It might make a slight vibrating sound while freezing. This act is usually out of fear.
- Licking or lifting head– licking is an act to show that the guinea pig loves what is being done. It is also accompanied by lifting head. Licking can be a sign of affection. But, sometimes its just that guinea pig likes the salt on your skin.
- Strutting– When your guinea pig is standing with stiff legs accompanied by the chattering teeth. This is called strutting. Strutting is a sign of aggression.
- Mounting – Mounting is usually supported with the rumble sound. This is a done during the guinea pigs courting or to show dominance, in a herd (especially females).
- Sniffing– Guinea pigs sniff to know what is happening. They usually sniff near the nose, chin and ears of others.
These guinea pig sounds can give you much explanation to what your pet wants to communicate. Behaviour patterns along with sounds also give explanations. Although, you might be aware of the guinea pig sounds, you must keep a track of unusual sounds or actions that your pet makes. Patterns like biting the cage or lethargic loops might indicate that your guinea pig is feeling stressed or bored. Take him out of the cage for a while and keep him entertained.
When you are with your pet, look for actions that give an indication. For example, you are holding your guinea pig in your hands and petting him at the back. He wriggles till you leave him down. This way he only wants to communicate to you that he doesn’t like this act, and he wants to get down.
When you take your guinea pig to meet other guinea pigs, you will notice they touch their noses. If they do so, it is friendly gesture, and they like each other. Scent marking is another thing you will notice your guinea pig do. he rubs his cheeks against the items he wishes to be his. These are simple things you will notice as you go along with your pet. Taking care of a pet means a lot more than just feeding them and to love them and get their love is what every pet owners want.