GalleryAmazing Birds Photos
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Cats Love Christmas Trees
- PetsFoto
- October 12, 2020
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New year arrives and with it, and everything nice as it brings us. , A favorite time for rest and entertainment from the dismal daily life. Not a new year is always a favorite holiday just for us but also our pets. They can give this holiday a special meaning, by performing stunts near the Christmas tree.
Top 15 photos of the most interesting moments with the animals
- PetsFoto
- November 10, 2020
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We all went to the zoo, standing for hours with a camera to wait until one or another animal will come out from his house, as soon as it appeared all at once begin to frantically press the button the camera to capture the beast.
Cuddly Kittens in Backyard
- PetsFoto
- October 11, 2020
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Many people still do not believe that animals do not know the respective printed and have some basic emotions. Animals and that they have feelings and know very well that they express. See this amazing kitten knows how to enjoy nature and the society of the same species.
Disabled Animals With Weird “Legs”
- PetsFoto
- January 13, 2021
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Many wild animals at least once in an accident, and exit or with some serious consequences ... In this case, our pets that even today modern science could not help. But with a little imagination and not ordinary, but somewhat humorous black and placed several artificial aids that look really strange and weird.
Bambi and Thumper…Real Life Friendship
- PetsFoto
- October 2, 2020
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We all know very well who is Bambi and Thumper ... Favorite characters from favorite Disney cartoons .. Their endless friendship that transcends all boundaries of imagination ..
Amazing Art With Live Snakes!
- PetsFoto
- November 7, 2020
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Many of these creatures do not like, many of them disgust, fear, someone, perhaps even physical reaction. But someone thinks snakes gracefully and beautifully, and sees them as the real stuff of art. For this type of art did not take too much imagination as much courage.