Tails, And Tails In Animal Kingdom


Tails of the animals did not want to anger their hosts. On the contrary, the tails are very useful and important role.

Tails of the animals did not want to anger their hosts. On the contrary, the tails are very useful and important role.

Scorpion’s tail is necessary as a weapon.

Slonyata eagerly grab the tails of their relatives, to keep up with the group.

Kangaroo tail is needed to balance jump shot.

Almost the same goals and need a tail protein.

Beaver tail controls when swimming, as an oar

Even a little tail there application.

Hippopotamus, for example, scatters them with his litter, when marks territory

And of course, the most beautiful tail – the peacock, which its owner not only deters the enemy, but also attracts the females.

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