Freedom For Penguins


South African Fund for conservation of coastal birds produced two groups of African penguins to freedom after the penguins were treated for poisoning by oil. Birds found in the area of the coast of Namibia, oiled, April 8. May 21, 1984 penguin have been released into the sea, and five days later, followed by followed by another group of 38 penguins. This release contains photos of the event, kept in the archives of the WWF.

Penguins go to the ocean on May 26 at the beach on the outskirts of Cape Town, South Africa. South African Fund for conservation of coastal birds released a group of 38 penguins to freedom, to cure the birds poisoned by oil.

Penguins in the heart of care before their departure to the will on the beach in South Africa on May 21.

Penguins go to the ocean beach on May 26 at Bluberg oceane Cape Town, South Africa.

Woman sends penguins to the ocean on the beach Bluberg, South Africa, on May 21.

Penguin released to the ocean on May 21 after the treatment of poisoning by oil.

Penguins set free on a beach on the outskirts of Bluberg Cape Town, South Africa, May 26.

Penguins go to Ocean on May 21 after the Foundation for wild birds released them to freedom after treatment.

People take pictures of penguins who go to the water at the beach Bluberg, South Africa, May 21.

Penguins go to the ocean on May 26.

Penguin Group goes to the ocean. These birds are now free – Foundation for wild birds decided that is not dangerous to let them go free after treatment of poisoning by oil.

Penguins swim in the ocean on May 21 after the Foundation for the Preservation of wild birds released them to freedom off the coast of Cape Town.

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